Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Book Review - Green for Life

You may be familiar with the Gill Deacon Show, on CBC-TV. Gill has also published a book called "Green for Life - 200 Simple Eco-Ideas for Every Day". I like the red stamp on the front cover telling me its "only $13.50 to make a better world". It is a reasonable price for the information in the book. Has anybody else noticed that books seem to be quite a bit cheaper these days? Here in Calgary, Canada anyway.

Gill has an easy and laid back writing style, and makes many references to her kids, and you can tell that she has written this book because she is very concerned about their future (a sentiment that I whole-heartedly share). She argues that it is not that difficult to make changes in our lives that would significantly help the environment, and our health as well. There are numerous references to important information on how chemicals that we use every day are hazardous to our health. She is a proponent of living more simply, but not of getting rid of your daily conveniences.

The book is nicely laid out as a "How To" manual with titles such as "How to Make Dinner", "How to Clean the Dishes", and my favourite, "How to Have Sex". Each section of course has ideas on how to do these things more sustainably. Subject areas include eating organics, using alternative cleaners (including recipes for making your own cleaners), and healthy kids.

I highly recommend this book as a means to help you be more sustainable and healthy. It is available at chapters, online or amazon.

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